Labels:book | collection | poster | refrigerator | table | tabloid OCR: Java-Craphics Programming The Java 3D API Specification Second Edition JAVA In 7heJova5D At Spevification Second Editior relrasc ot The Java Series nest the Java version o DAP ver Alfeatuns aredesignedintomel explained tnd rchitedlun thal p Thi vides scale 3D API foundation s the most for higher qualily alive.complete apy:lication with dctailed bool improved to Thi bouk represents infomatix authowril.ative overview and detailed the desariplions the definitiv 30 API latva eat 30 API comprehensive sperification, instructions providing "scene graph D View definition and inncvative construction nodel ard enabling dea applications description Jav played on a wide arra of devir es also features variely input desirs aio capabilitin and behaviors and interpolators for picking nmating obje ...